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Concept Center was established with register No. (2/28310) and dated 5/1/2006 AD by a group of experts led by Dr. Nagat Jamaan. We worked on developing training and rehabilitation services, advisory services and studies.
Concept Investment Consulting: is a group of local and international experts in professional and administrative development, institutional building and corporate governance through the provision of consultancy, studies and integrated training services, the development of capabilities and skills of human resources in companies and organizations, and the development of their institutional performance in accordance with international standards....

Concept Investment Consulting


That the concept of the Business Development Environment Center by providing quality courses and programs in addition to consultations and studies fits the needs of the labor market and development and contributes to the reconstruction phase and in accordance with international practices in the fields in which it operates.



Empowering individuals and institutions to achieve their goals and the goals of their institutions by providing a set of investment services in the field of training, vocational rehabilitation, consultancy and conducting studies through which they can continue, grow and excel during the conflict and reconstruction phase through better and professional qualification in line with the best professional practices and in a manner that entitles them to local excellence regional and international.

  Our goals

Our goals

- Continuous improvement and development.
- creativity and innovation .
- Professionalism and excellence.
- High quality services.
- Maintaining the confidentiality of our clients.

 اهدافنا الاستراتيجية

اهدافنا الاستراتيجية

تقديم مجموعه متكامله من المنتجات والخدمات في مجال التدريب والاستشارات والدراسات التي تلبي احتياجات عملائنا من خلال:
(النجاح - التنمية - المعرفة - التعلم - التدريب - التدريب ).

Concept Investment Consulting

What do we offer to our clients?

Institutional Building
Develop Technical Skills
Develop Management Skills
Personal Abilities & Skills
Self Development

Do you have any questions about related courses?

Contact Us

You can contact us through the contact numbers found below ... We are always honored to be in the honor of serving you in all of our high-quality training services


Sanaa - Al-Zubayri Street - in front of the Ministry of Oil - Jamaan Building - the third floor